Mom ... being a Entrepreneur

When I first came up with the idea of Ez Sox I thought, “I have this brilliant idea that of course all moms will love. I’ll launch a website and sell millions of my cute socks to children around the world. It was a no brainer. Easy - Peasy”!
Wow, was I naive. Now that I look back, I didn’t have a clue of what I was getting myself into. Not that this is always a bad thing. You know the expression ‘Paralysis by Analysis’. Not me. I put my head down and bravely battled forth into a world I really knew nothing about.
So how did I start.? Late nights were spent working on a business plan. No plan, no business.I figured out how much start up costs I needed, networked with everyone I could think of until I found a good factory for production, came up with some cute designs (this was the fun part), & set up a website. I then launched into the world of trade shows, manufacturing, internet SEO, warehousing and shipping. OK, I was off to the races. I was a business owner, my own boss, a mompreneur!
One lesson you quickly learn when you start your own business is, it’s a 24/7 work week. There were some tough times. I made many mistakes along the way. Oh some very big ones. But now that I look back at these mistake, they were invaluable lessons that gave me confidence to move forward with the knowledge that I could battle my way out of even the toughest situations.
When your going thru a really rough patch in your business, it’s hard to think you’ll ever dig your way out. All the cliches came bouncing thru my mind. “It’s always darkest before the dawn! There’s a light at the end of the tunnel! Never give up never surrender!”
So just remember when you hit that really hard speed bump in your business, and there will be many, think back to why you started in the first place. Go back to your roots. I love my business. I’m proud of what I created. When I read all the wonderful e-mails and posts from Ez Sox & Ez Undeez fans, I know that I brought something positive and useful into the world that really helps kids dress themselves.
The point is there will always be challenges in your business just like in life. You must persevere. Find the positive way out of a negative situation. Learn from your mistakes. Be creative. Remember Wrigleys gum company started off selling soap and baking powder. You never know where an great idea will lead you.
So for all you future mompreneurs, follow your dreams, believe in yourself and you will be successful. I promise.
Feel free to take a look at our online store at and be sure to join our mailing list to stay in touch with any Ez Sox news and promotions.